Thursday, November 22, 2007

simple things

the first frost arrived today and brought with it an incredibly gorgeous morning. while standing outside taking it all in, all i could think about was how if this was green lake, my nanny (grandma) would be super pissed that her peas had finally lost the battle. one of my favourite lake memories is waking up at 2am to the sounds of her dragging my bobby (grandpa) outside, into the garden to cover up all the plants to protect them from those relentless august frosts....the thought of her urgent whispers of 'jim! hurry! JIM!' crack me up.

speaking of the lake, i saw 'reign over me' the other night, which i kinda liked actually, but i think that was mostly due to the fact that they play this song in the intro, a fact that made me shush people and turn up the volume. its one of those songs you forget you know all the words to until you hear it years later. it brought me hurtling back to drives up to the lake with my friend amy after having hijacked her brother craig's CSN box set, again, and singing the whole way there (me badly, amy prettily). i LOVE this song- so sad- but i have a thing for sad, pretty songs. it is amazing how music makes a movie. wouldn't that be the best job- to make movie soundtracks?

and how about crosby and nash in that video- can ya dig it?! i love david crosby's super peaceful, casual entrance, full of hippy kindness, just wanting to jump in on some melodies with his friend. so cute.

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