Thursday, April 19, 2007

i dare you to NOT love these

take a moment and lust with me over these beautiful and unique bags by kaleel designs . They even have names ('saturday afternoon', 'dark forest', 'running errands', 'saturday eleven-thirty'):

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


hello. my name rhymeswithtarget, and i am a paper-aholic. its a genetic disorder kindly handed down to me from my father, legendary in his time for the wrapping. i come by it honestly but, at times, it affects my life (i like to think it does so in a pretty way, but not everyone feels the same about it as i do).

Paper, cards...........eeeeeeeeeeK! BRING IT!

I also greatly enjoy putting things into boxes of uniform size, and so was very excited to find the container store (via smitten kitchen's great blog) for really inexpensive seamless tins for spices (check out this organizational beauty- my sister will FREAK) and some pretty rad paper products too.

Now we all know where to get those little chinese food take-out containers (i know you've been wondering)! I'm expecting innovative things to come in the wrapping department from now on:) ps you have to check out broadway paper.

Friday, April 6, 2007

better than i remembered

went to check out the house on the rock this week, and it sure is prettier in spring! i love the landscape, the old walls and the cracked stone stairs. call me crazy, but i hate lawns (we do have one of those too in the back, but its the front i really like). arbutus trees TOTALLY make up for dilapitated decks, don't you agree?

also went to the states and checked out bellingham, which i thought was really just bellis fair, but actually is a really pretty town. PLUS, it has a DAISO (admittedly in bellis fair- okay we went there too). BUT i think i showed considerable self-restraint when i did not buy any dishes, only some baby chopsticks for sam & claire's easter presents. CUTE.