Monday, March 26, 2007

crying is weird

this is very interesting....but i can't decide if it feels too construed in a trying to be artsy way... but i contributed anyways because i had a bad weekend and thought hell, may as well put these tears to some collective use and entertainment!

that being said, there was some cake and even some dancing recently, and possibly even lobster risotto at that oughta lighten the mood! and MAN that stuff is fun, especially cake!

on another note, spring has really been trying to eek its way out, as you can see from the new banner, which was actually taken 2 weeks ago. its been raining like screaming banshees (that's for aren) since that time until yesterday! i was actually honestly starting to have very serious thoughts while driving like 'what if the sun NEVER comes back?!' that would really be awful wouldn't it? i mean, what would you do?

luckily, it always seems to return, just like your mom when she used to drop you off at daycare....she always came back, just like she said. Speaking of which, a daycare would be a GREAT place to get some really gritty crying photos (from what i remember of daycare anyways)!

Monday, March 19, 2007


this saturday was spent dashing through the downpour from secret place to not-so-secret place, hunting for a special something to hang in a precariously placed window in the house on the rock. this window in question overlooks an abandoned warehouse i'm currently pretending doesn't exist (but it does). but HOLY are stained glass windows ever pricey! sheesh...going to have to hope that magically timed, well-stocked, garage sale at the 100-year old home of an eccentric world traveller, who has recently died an exciting yet tragic death, who's children only want brand new things not old weird crap that i've been waiting for all comes along soon! saw some other interesting things though.

the poorly lit shots on the bottom are of a fabulous table my aunt just had *imported* which is made out of old wine barrels- the numbers you see are from the vineyard. its very thick and heavy and sumptuously dark. yum.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

old much?

happy birthday to me! do you like my new vest?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

thank you aren leigh

i would like to send a big THANK YOU to my dear old friend aren, who snazzed up my banner from across the continent! Y.E.S.!

check out his talentedness, and that of his lovely reva, here, or here!

anna, baby of the world!

little anna, who i was incredibly lucky enough to watch push her teeny, shiny self into the world, starts to smile. sigh.

Monday, March 12, 2007


spring prettiness that makes you happy without even trying and sparks dreams of summer!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

a good wedding

emma & james
february 24th

a new chapter

being on the cusp of something new is often enough to encourage distractedness, worry and occasionally, diarrhea. leaving your city, home, friends, buying your first house- and considering the ramifications of involving another human in these choices- is enough to cause temporary paralysis, panic attacks - and maybe, if you're super lucky, diarrhea. this blog is an attempt to explore the effects of such a transition, and the daily distractions amid it, with the hopes of alleviating the diarrhea, while still remaining somewhat quiet about the whole thing.